Quota Brisbane Supports NCWQ International Women’s Day Event

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Members Cheryl Beaton, Vanessa Thurlow and Marilyn Mc Ginn joined NCWQ President and Quota Brisbane member Sandy Smith for a stimulating panel conversation at the United Services Club on March 7th.

Celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) one of the panel members Helen Baker spoke about women’s economic independence and the need to be able to manage their finances when their circumstances change. She expressed concern with the growing number of older women who are at risk of homelessness.  She suggested organisations seek to apply for grants to fund financial advice for these women.

Teresa Reed spoke about the ‘Forgotten Women’ reporting that  women over 55 years of age are the fastest growing homeless population in Australia. She reported there are over 700 women over 55 years in the greater Brisbane area who are doing it tough.  She encouraged everyone to take up the challenge, to live tough for a night on 5th September to raise awareness and money to help fund the ‘Forgotten Women’.

Chiou See Anderson, President of the National Council of Women of Australia spoke about her journey over the last few years advocating for women at a State, National and International level. She called for men to be part of the conversation in order to effect change.

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