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Members started the year out by reflecting on 2023 and thinking ahead. Room with Roses was the venue where we planned our fundraising events and discussed where the money raised would do the most good to assist children in our community. President Shirley chaired the meeting before we enjoyed lunch together. The staff at Room with Roses in the Brisbane City Arcade were very attentive and timed the delivery of the meals to coincide with the end of our discussions. By all accounts the meals, although varied, were delicious.

We prioritised;

Listening to Learn Program supporting students who are hard of hearing.

Containers for Change which helps our club and supports the environment.

Inaugural Quota Brisbane/NCWQ Dr Laurel Macintosh OBE Memorial Bursary

Achiever Awards for students in Special Schools

Support to continue for Zephyr Education who support children affected by DV.

Provide support for the great work of Care Kits for Kids who support children who are out of home.

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Congratulations Dr Shiney Seo!

The Quota Brisbane/NCWQ Bursary was awarded for the first time in 2024 to Dr Shiney Seo who is one of six women studying Ophthalmology at the moment in Queensland. There

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