Quota Patch Bears Launched at the Quota Xmas Breakfast

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Members Daisy and Eva have been hard at work creating items for sale at the craft stall. A craft stall was introduced a couple of years ago to try and generate some more income from the Quota Xmas Breakfast as the entry cost only just covers the cost of the room hire and breakfast. Money raised to support the community had mainly been from the sale of raffle tickets.

Items have varied from Xmas cards, wooden roses, craft items like face masks, lap rugs and glasses cases to items featuring butterflies. This year we released the Quota Patch Bears along with a range of Quota Candles and soaps. Proceeds from the sale of items goes towards supporting children in the community who are less fortunate. Quota Patch Bears not sold at the Xmas Breakfast or the Xmas Fair were donated to the Police who will use them as trauma bears.

Special thanks to everyone who attended, supported the craft stall and/or purchased tickets in the raffles. As with every year, thanks to Councillor Tracey Davis who attends the event and donates the main raffle prize. Thanks also to Caroline and her team of helpers who coordinated the event.

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